Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 - Happy New Year!

Happy new year all duelists!

Ok. Its 2008 already... so what are we supposed to look forward to about Yu-Gi-Oh?

- Premium Pack 11 (Its out already btw)
Has afew gay cards. Well, the roids are alittle ........
But the Angels support cards are gay! E-Hero Voltech has potential, just alittle too small.

- March Banlist
I'm sure many are waiting for this! There are currently many abusive stuff waiting to be listed onto this list, whether or ban or restricted, I'm sure we can even speculate that already.

- Light of Destruction
LODT should have many cards to boost angels and light type decks. So we might never know what is going to happen to the game again. Look at PTDN and think if LODT would make the same amount of impact to the game.

- The Duelist Genesis & The New 08 Starter Deck
What does Konami have up its sleeve?
New type monsters? Might be good enuff to change the current game alittle.
Lets hope for Double Subtypes like : Dragon/Machine or Demon/Angel... lol

And of course gayer promos be it from the V Jump, Weekly Jump or Value Books! =D

Well, hope everyone would have another fun year of dueling!

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