Friday, July 20, 2012

Abyss Rising Unleashed!

Yes guys! Abyss rising is now out in most stores through out Asia even though its not yet the official release date of 21st July!

Well below are the foil cards that I got from my 2 boxes of Abyss Rising.


Yes I know, I got 2 boxes of identical foils!

2x Forbidden Garment
2x Ice Spirit God - Moulin Glace
2x Mermail - Gaio Abyss
2x Heroic Champion - Kusanagi
2x CNo. 32: Shark Drake Vice
2x One-Eyed Skill Gainer

And about [Forbidden Garment] , it isn't that good as it seems. Why? Visit Bahamut84's Dueling Days for more info!

Alright time to find 3 copies of [Mermail - Megalo Abyss] and time to sleep!

Cya all people! =D